Reduce Waste with Newspaper Seedling Pots!

Reduce Waste with Newspaper Seedling Pots!

Get your craft on with these super easy newspaper pots, perfect for starting seeds! When taking steps to adopt a greener lifestyle it’s not all about spending a fortune on ethical clothing brands or paying to offset your carbon. Whilst these are brilliant steps to...

Runner Bean Trench

Runner Bean Trench

Runner beans go rampant in the Summer, spreading tall and wide (as I found out when I didn’t secure them properly!) and because of this they are also really greedy, hungry plants. This year on our new plot we’ve worked to give them a head start using a trenching...

Know Before You Grow

Know Before You Grow

For years, soil testing was the preserve of “science geeks” who relied on £10 pH meters that, curiously enough, tended to give a different reading each time they were used, and devised planting strategies with often mixed results. Meanwhile, the majority of us just...


How to


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Hello I'm Nat and Welcome to The Heritage Hoes! Here you'll find out what it's like to be a gardener at Historic properties from myself and others.  Find out about what and how we grow with garden tours, how to's and stories from the garden.  

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