Reduce Waste with Newspaper Seedling Pots!

Grow Your Own, How to

Get your craft on with these super easy newspaper pots, perfect for starting seeds!

When taking steps to adopt a greener lifestyle it’s not all about spending a fortune on ethical clothing brands or paying to offset your carbon. Whilst these are brilliant steps to take there are also simple ways of making changes starting at home! Building greener foundations can start with the kit you use in the garden! Firstly, not all pots are created equal and yes there are some amazing plastic alternatives out there as well as recyclable pots but why not start with what you already have at home!

Newspaper Seedling Pots

Newspaper Seedling Pots!

A great way to go low waste in the garden, whether you are a avid paper reader or you get those free ones through the door, it’s a great way of recycling them. They’re super easy to make and affordable as well as being biodegradable!

You don’t need any special tools, you’ll have everything you need at home. But it you were looking for something to keep those folds tight, a pot press could be just the ticket!

These Newspaper seedling pots are a great wet weekend activity!

What You’ll Need

  • 1 sheet of newspaper
  • Tin of Spice Jar (size dependent on the size of pot you want)
  • Scissors
Newspaper Seedling Pots

Step 1: Gather your supplies together, for seeds I recommend using a spice jar for your mould as it’s just the right size for single seed plantings. I also use these in my propagator as it makes transplanting seedlings much easier!

Newspaper Seedling Pots

Step 2: Fold the newspaper in half so you have a two sheet stack of newspaper (a double page spread folded in half works well). Then, cut the sheet into thirds lengthwise so you end up with three double layered strips

Newspaper Seedling Pot

Step 3: Using the jar or can as a mold, lay it on its side on the newspaper and leave about an inch over the end. Tightly roll the jar along the strip until you reach the end of the strip. NB: Don’t roll the jar so tight that you can’t pop the jar out once you’ve made your pot

Recycled Newspaper Plant Pot

Step 4: Take the overhanging edge and fold the edges down all around the jar, this creates the bottom of your pot. Once you’ve gone all around the edge flip it over and push down on the table to tighten the folds. (If you’ve got the pot press this is where is really comes into its own!)

Newspaper Plant Pot

You might find that you are left with a small hole in the centre of your pot. This is fine because it helps with drainage, as long as the folds are tight the pot will hold together just fine.

Recycled Newspaper Seedling Pot

Step 5: Gently slide the pot out of newspaper. You may think that the pot feels a bit thin but they get surprisingly strong when filled out with compost.

When using these pots take care when watering….too much and they might start to break down before your seedlings are ready to move out of them!

The great thing about these little pots is that when it comes to transplanting seedlings you don’t need to disturb the seedlings roots because you can pop the whole plant in the ground.

If you prefer not to plant the pot as well, simply unfold the bottom of the pot and unwrap, then you can toss the paper into your compost so still no waste!


  • Nat

    A Heritage Gardener on an Historic Estate, Passionate about Productive Gardening and Heritage practices

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